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Legacy@25 Action Grant Guidelines

The Des Moines Legacy Foundation a 501c3 charity hit a significant milestone this year, its 25th YearAnniversary. With the strength and support of the Des Moines citizens and community, the Foundation has raised over $1,840,203.00 for the betterment of the Des Moines. In 2024, the Foundation is launching an exciting initiative, Legacy@ 25, awarding $25,000 in mini-grants to individuals and organizations serving the Des Moines community. 

​Applicants must demonstrate a community need that meets Legacy’s Vision and Mission for charitable giving - by supporting community leadership development, improved philanthropy, providing cultural and recreational activities or equipment to increase accessibility and inclusion for low income youth, families, and seniors, and strengthening citizen belonging through arts, education, and cultural awareness.


The following guidelines apply to all Des Moines Legacy Foundation Project Requests:


  •  Any organized group, business or individual with a project that furthers the Des Moines Legacy Foundation’s charitable mission is eligible to apply for Project Funding.

  • Requests may be made for specific projects in amounts between $50 to $2,500. Applications will be accepted from April 1, 2024 – December 31, 2024. Projects must be completed no later than December 31, 2025.

  • Requests may be filled out online at, or returned to the Des Moines Legacy Foundation at the address indicated or they may be sent via email to:

  • The Des Moines Legacy Foundation must be acknowledged as a project sponsor on promotional materials, such as event programs, flyers, press releases or spot announcements related to the project.

  • The applications will be reviewed on an individual basis. Foundation board members will gather information through phone contact and also on-site visits when deemed necessary.

  • The Des Moines Legacy Foundation reserves the right to reject any request for any reason.

  • Successful applicants will receive an evaluation form to be submitted upon completion of the project.

  • Final project payment will be made upon receipt of the completed evaluation form.

Grant Application

Please complete the form to apply for one of the 2024 Legacy @ 25 Action Grants

1. FULL PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Describe the project activities you wish to undertake through this request.
Address the project objectives, how the project will support the DMLF mission, what will be done, who will do it,
what resources you are requesting, and where project activities will take place. (Attach separate sheet if necessary)

2. TARGET AUDIENCE: How many people will be directly involved in the project? _______ Describe the target
audience and explain their involvement:

3. EVALUATION: What is the schedule for accomplishing and evaluating the project? How will the success of the
project be measured? How will you know if you have met your goals and objectives? A final evaluation of the
project (separate form to be provided) must be submitted following the completion of the project, no later than
December 31, 2025.

4. OTHER RESOURCES: What other funding sources are expected? Will you be using additional materials,
labor, or dollars for this project (i.e., donations, volunteer labor, other grants, building funds)? If yes, please describe.

5. PARTICIPATING ORGANIZATIONS: Name all other organizations that will participate in the sponsorship of
this activity:

7. BUDGET INFORMATION: Include complete budget information for requested funds such as kinds of
equipment and materials needed, sources of supplies, and costs. Be sure to include cost appropriate sales
tax/shipping charges. (Budget may be sent on a separate sheet such as Quickbooks spreadsheet to ).

Thanks for submitting!

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